Quality and innovation

Daily communication makes new projects and new applications for our products to arise constantly for our customers, which led us to carry out a development and a constant innovation on our equipment and processes.

A large part of Dinaksa pesaje’s investments and efforts are intended for the I+D+I department.

As a result of this continuous technological development, the up-to-date and evolution on our weighing systems is constant:

  • New-range formats.
  • More advanced electronic components.
  • Development of new technologies.
  • New applications.
  • New products, etc.

As a result of this research of investment and development, Dinaksa Pesaje’s products are at the forefront of the market and enjoy a recognized international prestige.


DINAKSA PESAJE is registered in the Metrological Control register as a manufacturer and authorized repairer of weighing systems with registration number 01-M-042.
DINAKSA PESAJE designs and manufactures all its products in accordance with the 89/392/CEE directive and with the supplements 91/368/CEE, 93/68/CEE, 93/44/CEE and 98/37/CEE. This declaration is for all products sold by DINAKSA PESAJE, and it is under our own responsibility that we declare it.


Scales and Balances whose utility is oriented to a billing process or price based on weight, intervene in a commercial transaction (purchase or sale), or have a clear economic condition, must be suitable according to legal metrology.

The weighing equipment used for these purposes will be marked with the distinctive M on a green background (see icon).

Type M equipment must be approved by official bodies or accredited laboratories to issue the manufacturer's primitive verification certificate and CE certificates. Balances/scales are subject to periodic annual checks that must be carried out by an accredited technical laboratory.

Likewise, in certain sectors, specific sectoral or even territorial regulations are also necessary to establish it: hospitals, pharmacies, jewelers, etc. Where the weight factor, its precision and accuracy, as well as repeatability may be important for purposes of drug dosage, or the like.

Lo que nos hace diferentes

Alquiler de equipos

Dinaksa pesaje pone a su disposición un servicio de alquiler de diversos equipos de pesaje. En momentos puntuales como pueden ser inventarios, nuestros clientes precisan disponer de una cantidad elevada de máquinas para facilitar el proceso. Para...

Calibración de equipos

En primer lugar indicar lo que se entiende en Metrología por el concepto de "calibración", y que se define en el punto 2.39 del Vocabulario Internacional de Metrología, en adelante VIM, para su aplicación a los sistemas de pesaje de cualquier...

Quality and innovation

Daily communication makes new projects and new applications for our products to arise constantly for our customers, which led us to carry out a development and a constant innovation on our equipment and processes. A large part of Dinaksa pesaje’s investments and...

Gracias por solicitar información

Desde el Dpto. Comercial de Dinaksa Pesaje industrial queremos agradecer el interés que has mostrado por nuestra compañía. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo tan pronto nos sea posible. Si transcurridas 72h. desde su solicitud no hemos contactado, rogamos...

Noticias Dinaksa Pesaje Industrial

DINAKSA publica su nuevo catalogo 2023 de equipos para el sector Elevación

Dirigido a las empresas del sector Elevación a nivel nacional e internacional desde DINAKSA publicamos el nuevo catálogo general de productos y sistemas para aumentar la seguridad y operatividad de...

DINAKSA, el valor del pesaje y tecnología "MADE IN SPAIN" "MADE IN EU"

DINAKSA, compromiso con la Industria en España y Europa Apoyar la industria propia es garantizar el futuro de la verdadera industria que genera empleo no solo directo, sino también indirecto a...

Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak finantzatu du proiektu hau, 2021eko Suspertze Adimentsua Programaren barruan
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Programa Reactivación Inteligente 2021


Dinaksa Pesaje Industrial

Ingeniería, Fabricación y Postventa de Equipamiento para el Pesaje Industrial

Polígono Ind. Txako, 17 - Nave J
48480 Arrigorriaga - Vizcaya
Teléfono:  (+34) 946 713 222*
E-mail: marketing@dinaksa.com

© 2024 Dinaksa Pesaje Industrial - Handling and lifting