The limiters are specially designed to prevent and avoid overloads that can occur in lifting devices such as bridge cranes, cranes, hoists, elevators, etc. These devices allow savings in maintenance costs caused by cable breaks, hooks, wheels, rails, beam deformation, etc. Increases the safety of the company, avoiding accidents due to overload.
National manufacturing with accredited metrological control nº 01M042
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National manufacturing with accredited metrological control nº 01M042
Limitador de Carga Mecánico LIM-214, Carga máxima: 0 a 6.525 kg. Limitador de carga mecánico especialmente indicado para evitar sobrecargas en puentes grúa de un carro, doble carro, doble gancho,... Elevadores, polipastos, equipos de elevación, automatismos...
For everyone. More than 25 countries, mainly Germany, the United States, France, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia.
Lower expenses due to unforeseen events. The time has probably come to consider preventive maintenance on your equipment.
Modular maintenance tailored to your needs, guaranteeing greater reliability and safety throughout the useful life of your equipment.
We have a wide range of scales and equipment for rent. We also calibrate your equipment so that its measurements are exact in accordance with ENAC