Solutions in Weighing, Handling and Industrial Safety

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Solutions in Weighing, Handling and Industrial Safety

Mechanical Load Limiter LIM-201

Author : Dinaksa - ENG


Mechanical load limiter for cranes of any type, with fixing to the cable. Applicable to any type of crane, it is designed to prevent overloads in hoists, cranes or any cable lifting system.

Made of resistant steel with bichromate finish or stainless steel depending on the model.

  • Wire diameter : Ø 5mm up to 44mm.
  • Working Temperature: -10Cº to +60ºC
  • Maximum rope capacity: up to 15.000 Kg.
  • 150% overload resistance on the maximum capacity.

Calibration Certificate (on request).


Limitador Mecánico de Carga LIM-201 Carga máxima: 0 a 6.525 kg. Limitador de carga mecánico especialmente indicado para evitar sobrecargas en polipastos eléctricos, grúas, ascensores y montacargas.