Solutions in Weighing, Handling and Industrial Safety

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Solutions in Weighing, Handling and Industrial Safety

Custom Weighing Truck

Author : Dinaksa - ENG

Customized Weighing Truck, similar in appearance to a conventional truck, incorporates load cells and an electronic display, thus obtaining a weighing truck with very high performance both in safety and precision.

The viewer incorporates advanced electronics, which makes it possible to carry out weighing in any circumstance, no matter how difficult it may be. It can be used as a normal trolley, starting the weighing when necessary.

The usual options are summing memory, 5-function remote control by infrared (indoors) or via radio (outdoors), special protection for foundries, built-in printer, independent display, weighing transmission via radio, RS-232 output or others, trocola with motorized rotation, etc. We couple weighing on pulleys with 1, 2 or more pulleys, in practically all the existing models on the market, any other option, we will study the possibility of incorporating it into said trocola.


  • Capacity from 2,000 to 150,000 Kg. Display with 25/45/60 mm digits. in red No. (optional liquid crystal LCD) according to models.
  • ACCURACY: 0.05%
  • Working temperature: -10 to +50ºC
  • Tightness: IP 55 standard. Tare, overload and low battery indicator.
  • Long-life rechargeable battery power. 24 hour service.
  • Infrared remote control: tare and off.

Possibility of transmission of weighing records by Wi-Fi or radio to other equipment removable visor.

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE (on request). Manufacture tailored to your needs.

Code: TR-DIN-A MEDIDA Categories: , ,

Customized Weighing Truck. Capacity up to 150,000 kg - 150 Tons. Designed and built to plan to provide solutions to the special needs of our customers.

Ask us about your case and we will provide you with the solution that best suits your requirements.